Tuesday, August 29, 2006

Today began with high hopes. I packed easily and was able to stow my extra luggage, what I will need for Albania but do not want to carry around on my bicycle for a month, in the hotel lockers. Then I had a nice lunch and headed out to the airport. I was impresssed with the cycling signage and found the airport easily. After a short wait my compatriot Brian appeared at the arrival point and our journey began...However not only our journey began but the rain did as well. But unstoppable we set off, spirits high...
The first several miles went fine. We followed excellent signage for cycles, the kind the Swiss are renowned for. But then a sign was missing, and the intersection was complicated and we found oursevles completely lost. For several hours we wandered, accosting passersby that tried to be helpful but had never heard of the places we were looking for, despite their clear presence on the map I had. We spoke to people who knew little English, some who knew much English, and I had one complete conversation in Spanish. Each person tried to be helpful, but the best they could do was point back where we had come from--no matter where we had been or where we were.
In the end, as it grew late and the rain grew stronger and we had absolutely no idea where we were, we stumbled across a very small train station. One of the signs noted that a train was due momentarily and the schedule noted that it was to stop at one of the towns on our map, one we were trying to get to but had no idea where it was. So, putting all pretenses of pride aside, we purchased two tickets and got on the train. It only went a few miles, making three or four other stops, before the voice on the intercom said our town was next. We had, in other words, not been that far from our route, but that was of no consolation in our state of confusio. We alit, found a hotel and settled down for the night--hoping the next day would be better, but at least knôwing where we were...Not a very productive day, and hopefully not a typical day, but certainly an adventurous one to remember.
And an obvious lesson in the day...I have been having an extensive email conversation with a friend who used to be part of Calvin. His point seems to be a strong objection against the idea of absolute truth. Instead, he seems to say that truth is in the eye of the beholder, and in a sense we each define truth for outselves. However, I have been trying to say that there are times when we are lost, and when our sense of what is right--where we are, where we are going--is simply so confused that we can not trust it. And there are other times when we are certain we are right, but we are actually very wrong...In either case we need an outside absolute, an authority. We need a sign that says for all time and all people and all places--to get from here to there this is the way. And it may actually be the only way. My contention is that our human condition, and the confusion that is part of our fallen nature, makes it imperative that we have an absolute word from the outside that sets us straight. And I believe that we have that word in the Word of God--lived out in Jesus Christ and written out in the Scriptures...All we have to do is admit we are lost and look up at the sign that tells us how to get back on track...
In His Adventures, Will
Today was supposed to be a "trial run" day. I am meeting my
co-conspirator tomorrow, so I planned on testing out the roads and the
bike. However, when I awoke to the sounds of not-so-gentle rain, my
plans changed. Instead, I decided to try the railroad, and went on a
little excursion to the Rheinfall, that is the falls of the Rhine. The
clouds parted as I began a 2 mile walk from the train station I had
disembarked from, and the views were spectacular. The falls themselves
are not high, but the size of the river and the spectacular setting
made it very impressive.
I also learned another travel lesson--learn to read the train
schedules--and read them carefully. After walking to the falls and
viewing them I waited at the nearby station for a train back
towards Zurich. When a train came and stopped, but one going in the wrong
direction, I smartly did not board. But then a young couple and baby
who were waiting alongside me began to wonder and checking. Together
we realized that the train that had just left was the last one to stop
at this particular station for the day. The correct choice of action
would have been to board that train to the next station, get off and
wait there for the next train back--it stopped at that station but
went past the on I was now waiting in vain at.
Well, the only choice was the one the three of us (and their baby in a
stroller) made--walk quickly to the next station, hoping to get there
before the next train headed back towards... We did make it, but the scene
must have been a bit unusual as I and the woman pushing her stroller
strode on a few paces in front of her husband, who was pulling a wheeled suitcase--and he an orthodox Jew visiting from Jerusalem, dressed in black with the hat and hair locks, and she equally obviously a pair with him... At the end smiles were
shared, and a common drink of water sealed the experience...
Isn't it interesting what a bond is created by a common need. How
about our common need to witness as followers of Christ, and the bond
it creates...Do we experience that bond?
In His Adventures, Will Ackles
Still trying to get photos up...They will come and they are good!

Saturday, August 26, 2006

Early morning goodbyes, including to a 3 week old, that were not fun--then Greensboro to Dallas to Boston to Zurich--a busy day... It was certainly nice to begin the ordeal in such a calm and manageable place as Greensboro airport...And despite the discomfort of flying, amazing that we can do it...
My hotel is only a couple miles from the Zurich airport, and when I arrived on the hotel shuttle I was pleased to find that the room was already available, despite it being only 9 am.
Different people have their different ideas about how to either avoid or overcome jet-lag. Mine is simply to try to adjust to the local time as soon as possible. So, after a quick clean up I boarded the train and went into the city. Just outside the train station I ran into a city tour that was ready to begin, so off I went. The tour was woefully lacking in anything of substance (here are expensive homes...here is a big hotel...here is the lake, Zurichsee), but it did provide an overview that I like to get in a new place. And when it was over I wandered through the fascinating old city before heading back to the hotel for the night.
Zurich is the largest city in Switzerland (300,000) but it is not the capital. It is famous for banking, insurance and brewing. It also has the largest clock-face on any church in Europe. But most interesting and important to me is the grossemunster (great church), which is rightly known as the site of the beginning of the Reformation. A Swiss by the name of Zwingli, in 1519, began a reform of the local church structure. He taught that if it were not in the Bible it was not to be followed, that the church was not to be an administrative hierarchy lording over the people, and that the simpler the better in church decor. These changes were put into effect in the church in Zurich, and the Reformation initiated.

While in the church I went into a small chapel below the main floor, a chapel set apart for prayer. Just then an organist began to practice for an upcoming concert. So, there I was in the solitude of my niche, in this important place, listening to great music echo all around me. Such is the stuff of travel that makes it so amazing...
The computer I am using will not upload photos. I will try to get some on later...

Wednesday, August 23, 2006

The Billy Graham Freeway…The Billy Graham Christian Training Center…Asheville…Montreat…The Blue Ridge Parkway…
Yesterday Nancy, JJ and I took a drive west into the Smoky Mountains and along the Blue Ridge, an amazingly beautiful part of our nation. The southern anchor of the Ridge is Asheville, a smallish town nestled in a very picturesque setting, a launching point for white water rafting and touring, and the home of Billy Graham. Which of these reasons for note is most important I do not know, but for me it is probably the association with Billy Graham—a man for whom universal respect has been earned by faithfulness to the call of God.
The year was 1967 and I was a student at Fuller Theological Seminary. Back then the seminary was relatively small, just over 200 students, and just beginning its rise to become what it is today—one of the finest theological institutions in the world. Students and faculty mixed back then in the refectory (a fancy name for dining hall) where we shared meals and conversations. I sat down that day next to an elderly gentleman (maybe my age now—how perspective changes!), and we began to talk. He was an old-time evangelist and he proceeded to announce that he had been instrumental in the rise of a then young evangelist by the name of Billy Graham. I asked him how, and he related this story.
He said that he was an acquaintance of William Randolph Hearst, the newspaper magnate, and had been invited to Hearst Castle for dinner. Over the meal he began to talk with Hearst about a new evangelist who was just starting a crusade in Los Angeles. His host seemed interested in what he was saying, and asked several questions—then went over to a phone that was nearby. He picked up the phone, dialed the editor of one of his newspapers, The Los Angeles Times, and gave this order, Push Graham
The rest is history. The Los Angeles crusade received a great deal of media attention and Billy Graham’s star was on the rise. From then on he was not just an evangelist but he was the evangelist. And his faithful proclamation has served the gospel well…
Now, I can not promise that what the man sitting next to me in the refectory said was true. I do know that it was that crusade that began to separate Billy Graham out from the rest of the evangelists. But what it shows me is how one person using one opportunity to do something to promote the gospel can make a difference. It also shows me how we never know how the seeds we plant will grow. We need to always be ready to sow the seeds, and leave the growth up to God.
Tomorrow I fly to Zurich, then on from there by bike with my friend Brian from N. Ireland. Nancy has three more weeks here with Emily, Steve and Colette. Again, if you are interested in family photos of the baby, let me know and I will tell you how to access them…
In His Adventures, Will Ackles

Sunday, August 20, 2006

Some of you know that Nancy loves word puzzles--especially crossword puzzles. I couldn't begin to count how many hours she has pored over small, obscure and ancient words--trying to figure out the name of an ancient Assyrian coin or something of comparable earth-shaking significance. Well, she ran out of crosswords and tried an anacrostic yesterday--and then laughed when the solution emerged. It read, All species of jackals and the coyote live in close-knot family groups which forage for any food they can find. When a litter of pups is born all the jackals in the family will help to look after them and bring food for them back to the den. Her laughter was that those words seemed to describe our present situation vis a vis the addition of Colette to our family. I continue to make trips out for all sorts of big and small things--and dutifully bring them back to the den... And all care for each other. I can not imagine how a single mom (or dad) could begin to do what is needed to give a newborn child what God placed it in need of... While I am not a Hillary fan, I do agree strongly that it takes a village to raise a child.

And I believe that this is what the church is--a village within which people of all ages can both be cared for and care for each other. Being new to the Greensboro area, one of the things Emily and Steve are looking for is a church home, a people to share the tasks that lie ahead for them. Clarkston and Calvin were that home for Emily and JJ, and Nancy and I are eternally grateful for those of you in those churches who did that work of loving, praying, teaching, leading, and putting up with them--and out of love for them, for Nancy and me, and for the Lord. The church is a miracle, and in our broken world, a world where families are being ripped apart, it is needed miracle...

Having a granddaughter and carrying her around reminds me of the many times I have been privileged to hold a small child and walk down the center aisle of the church, introducing that child to the congregation before a baptism or dedication. When I have done that I have done it as a representative of the church, and as you have been there to witness you have been that church. The vows that you have made on these occasions are sacred vows--they are vows to be that village. And they are vows that you have kept as you have provided love, staff, facilities and encouragement to the children. I think of many people, Warren Hewitt for example, people who know the importance of children and give immense time and talent to them. Some of my happiest times at Clarkston were with the children at our weekly afternoon KC&M (kids, crafts and music), and the times with children at Calvin in Logos and Camp Calvin kept that joy bubbling. All ages are important, but children are in some ways the most needy, and they are among the most dependent on others. And the church is that others--for God's sake.

While I am not supposed to interfere with the future of Calvin and its choice of future leadership, I will dare to remind those who make those decisions that the leader must love the children. When I mentor future pastors who have young children, as I have done for Fuller Seminary, I often tell them that they should not even consider accepting a call to a church or continuing long in a position at a church if that church does not demonstrate in tangible ways a love for their children. Paul counseled his mentoree Timothy about the importance of his family, and I say the same. That is from the pastors side, but from the side of the church, while it may not appear on lots of resumes, discerning the way a candidate sees and relates to children is something that is very unwise to overlook.
Proverbs 22:6 Train a child in the way he should go, and when he is old he will not turn from it. This is one of the most basic tasks of the family, and of the church as well...
In His Adventures, Will Ackles

Friday, August 18, 2006

Sometimes we forget, but we should not, that little things can do a lot. Jesus said that as the salt of the earth we can and will impact all of human history. He described the church as the leaven in the loaf--small but incredibly important and powerful. Just ask Barbara (or, if you are not from Calvin, ask the church administrator or the church secretary) how much it means to have seemingly little things like answering the phone or posting the mail or editing the newsletter or whatever done regularly and conscientiously by volunteers. Or just ask the elder in charge of the buildings or the elder in charge of the grounds how essential it is to find individuals who will do small things around the church facilities--and do them faithfully. I have often said that a key to any healthy church is people involved in ministry--and I have said it knowing that much of the ministry will be anonymous and sometimes tedious. The organizational structure upon which I have based my pastoral ministry is to involve many people so that no one person has to do it all...i.e. A Ministry to Every Member and Every Member in Ministry.

That point, namely of the power of little things, was brought home forcefully to me this past week. While out on a bike ride, traveling through country lanes and past farms and subdivisions, I had an encounter with a small creature--a horse fly. The edenic state of simple joy I was experiencing was shattered by a sharp pain on my right thigh. I immediately grabbed at the spot, and screeched to a halt, hoping that I had not just been stung by a bee as I am allergic to honeybees and did not have my EpiPen with me at the time--which could have been very bad. What I did find, instead, was a rather complacent horse fly settled on the shorts I was wearing. In a moment I made sure that this particular insect would never again accost a passing cyclist, but the damage had been done. The horse fly had made a meal out of my flesh--a small meal and his (or her?) last meal, but a meal nevertheless.

Now, this seems like a small thing, and it was a small insect, but as it unfolded the small meal the small insect had consumed at my expense had a large impact. The next day much of my thigh was red and hot, and blisters began forming. At Nancy's insistence I went to an Urgent Care facility and was greeted by a doctor who said, That is very impressive! Not words I wanted to hear, but true words. An hour later, having been unceremoniously injected with two strong antibiotics, and given three prescriptions, I was sent home with the directive to, stay off the bike and take it easy for seven days.... This was particularly difficult news as I had been planning on using this next week to do some fairly serious training for my cycling adventure in Europe beginning the following week.

While I was chatting with the doctor I asked what would have happened if I had not come in for some care. She casually indicated that while the infection would probably have been combatted by the normal bodily processes (they are miraculous!), the infection was sufficiently ugly that it could have gone into the blood stream and had very serious complications...

So--a little thing can do a lot. It can be a lot of good or a lot of bad. And every little thing done for the kingdom of God counts. It pays off. It makes a difference. In fact the kingdom grows not by leaps and bounds and not primarily by the grand works of noted leaders, but by the daily ministry of God's people. Often unnoticed by anyone, but clearly seen by God...

Last night Colette (2 weeks and 4 days old) and I watched a movie together until 1 a.m. She is very good company...

In His Adventures, Will Ackles

Sunday, August 13, 2006

Nancy and I attended worship today at another Presbyterian Church in Greensboro. It is very strange to be church shopping after 36 years of being the one being shopped... It drives home to me the importance of one of the things that I have believed for years, and that has been reaffirmed by every Inquirers (New Members) classes we have at Calvin--that first impressions are incredibly important! At each Inquirers class I asked two questions of the participants--why did you come to Calvin for the first time and why did you return. The most common answer to the first, by far, is someone invited me. That points to the absolutely essential role of every church member to be aggressively seeking opportunities to invite friends who do not have a church home to come to Calvin. The second question was answered by something that happened the first visit--most commonly the preaching or the music or the warm welcome.

So, now being a visitor, I see these themes being played out. This morning the service we went to was the later service at this particular church. They had an earlier informal one as well. The people greeted us kindly and introduced themselves warmly. But the service itself was less than inspiring. The special music was not very good (unlike Calvin--cudos to Danny and, before him, Paul), and the singing was not very enthusiastic (once again I received several invitations to join the choir. I get that often, and my usual response is I am loud, but not that good...)

I was, frankly, put off by the semi-common current transformation of Father, Son and Spirit to Creator, Redeemer and Spirit. This shift is simply theologically incorrect as John teaches us that Jesus is the One through whom all things were created and without whom nothing was made that was made. But most of all I was disappointed by the message. When I teach preaching at San Pablo Seminary, or mentor Fuller students in their preaching class, one point I make is that a sermon can be defined, in part, as a message that could not be given by a rabbi. In other words every true sermon has to have the gospel of Jesus Christ in it. If it does not, it may be a fine message, an inspirational homily, or whatever, but it is not a sermon. And a pastor on Sunday is to give a sermon! That is what his or her call is all about. This morning I heard a homily. It was well constructed and had several good points and illustrations--it was about the ninth commandment and how we should not lie. Good stuff--but not a sermon. It did not have the gospel, it did not lift up Christ...

So, while we will not be in Greensboro long this time, it may be our new home. But that church will not be our home church. It must have a place in God's economy, and I am certain that there are many fine believers there. But it will not be for us...

One more unrelated point. I have been asked by Steve and Emily not to post photos of them and the baby on a place as public as this blog. This may be disappointing to some, but I certainly will honor their wishes. So if you want to see more photos from time to time, please let me know and I will add you to a list of those who want to receive them personally as Steve and Emily endorse. In the meantime I am sure you will be thrilled (?) to see photos of North Carolina, churches, parts of Europe, and more posted on this blog...By the way, I leave the 24th for Zurich.
In His Adventures, Will Ackles

Thursday, August 10, 2006

This part of North Carolina can be hot...and it can be humid. But while it lacks the mountains and the sea, it can be beautiful. I have been cycling around (surprise!), trying to get ready for my cycle adventure in Europe which begins the 24th of this month. I walked into a local cycle shop and asked where people ride around here, and I was directed to several routes. In trying them out I have found myself on relatively small rural roads, going past fields of corn and tobacco, and around small lakes.
When I think about whether or not I like North Carolina, or whether or not if Nancy and I end up settling here ourselves it will be a happy place to be, I honestly turn the question around. While place is important, I believe that the thing that makes any place the place to be, and to flourish in, and to appreciate, is that we have the conviction that God has led us there. The most beautiful place on earth would be the wrong place if it were not where God was leading, and the most plain would be the right place if it is in God's will.
As I stood on the crest of Mt. Nebo in Jordan just a couple months ago, I was struck by a strange thought. I looked over to the Promised Land, with the same panorama in front of me that Moses was allowed to see before he died (without entering that land). And my thought was What a disappointment this must have been! It might have looked better than the desert where he had wandered for 40 years, but compared to much of the rest of the world it was dry, barren, and uninviting. But it was the place God had prepared for his people, and for them that made it good. It was not good because of the goodness of the land, rather it came from its identity as home for them.
The point is simply that if we look for the perfect place to live we will never find it. But if we look for that place God has called us to live and serve, it will be perfect.
When God evicted Adam and Eve from the most perfect place of all, the Garden of Eden, he did them a favor. To have continued to live in that perfect place would have been deadly for them. They needed a new place, a right place. And it was right not because it was prettier or cleaner than Eden, but because it was now the place God had for them. The question of where to live is not answered by climate, comfort, or mountains and sea, but by where God has called--what place he has given specifically to us to serve, live, and praise in.
Oh, yes, and all is very well with Colette, Emily and Steve.

Saturday, August 05, 2006

I think I can remember when Emily and JJ were as small as Colette is, but things fade with age. And, actually, when they were born both Emily and JJ were smaller than Colette, and I was never as large as Steve, but there is some correlation nevertheless. In any case, all is very good with everyone. We have enjoyed time with Steve's mother--and especially enjoyed her fantastic cooking (she works as a cook for 120 people at a nursing home in Miami). Nancy has spent several nights helping on the graveyard shift. I have been the gofer...I go for whatever is needed.

This morning I read these words in Oswald Chambers classic devotional guide, My Utmost for His Highest. The day's title was The Baffling Call of God , and while it may be a bit of a problem to harmonize it with Rick Warren's Purpose Driven emphasis (Oswald writes, If we have a purpose of our own, it destroys the simplicity and leisureliness which ought to characterize the children of God), it is a good thought.
The call of God can never be stated explicitly; it is implicit. God's call is like the call of the sea, no one hears it but the one who has the nature of the sea in him. It cannot be stated definitely what the call of God is because His call is to be in comradeship with Himself for His own purposes, and the test is to believe that God knows what He is after. The things that happen do not happen by chance, they happen entirely in the decree of God. God is working out His purposes.

Thanks to Kathi and the youth for making it possible to follow them on their mission trip via their blog. I am praying for the services at Calvin today, assuming that the youth will give some kind of report--if not I know they will soon.

Thursday, August 03, 2006

I guess it is obligatory as a new grandfather to put some more photos on this site. Tough task, but I will oblige...All is well with everyone. Colette is now at home and getting used to life. And so is Emily, Steve and the rest of us.

As I think about the miracle of this time in Nancy and my life, I can not but marvel at the grace given us in the gift of time to be here and do what we are doing--helping in any way we can... And that gift has been mediated to us by the wonderful, generous and supportive communities of faith we have been honored to share with over the last 36 years. Without the love and opportunity to serve that the people of Calvin (and before that Clarkston) gave us we would not be at this place in our lives and would not be able to have the freedom we have now. Thank you

Having said that, it certainly does feel strange to have no deadlines, meetings, or the like to arrange our worlds around. Which brings up the major life-work for us at this stage--to discern what God is calling us to do and where to do it. When I have talked about stewardship in the past, I have said it includes administration of our time as well as our financial resources. Now that is the question for Nancy and me.

There are two main words for time in the Bible, one is chronos (chronology, chronometer) and its distinctive is the passing of seconds and minutes and hours. The chronos question is What time is it? And the answer is in numbers arranged around a clock, that is the placement of the hands of a watch. The answer is, It is seven o'clock or It is 4:30.
The second word is kairos, the distinctive of which is meaningful use of whatever chronos we have. The question of kairos is not, What time is it? rather it is, What is this time for? The answer is not, It is six o'clock, but, It is time to eat or to drink or to marry or whatever. The idea is not time passing but time filled with that unique activity God designed it to be fill with. Kairos time is at the heart of Ecclesiastes 3, To every thing there is a season, and a time to every purpose under the heaven: A time to be born, and a time to die; a time to plant, and a time to pluck up that which is planted... These words do not ask what time of day or night it is but what is the purpose of the present, of whatever time it is. In Ephesians 5 Paul exhorts us to make the most of the time... That is what life is about--discerning God's reason for each day we live, and each minute we breathe, and seeking to live according to that reason.

As Colette begins living whatever chronos God has for her to live, I pray she will live the kairos he has for those years... And the same for each of us.

Tuesday, August 01, 2006

After 40 hours of labor the first words Colette McCornack Content heard were from several attending nurses, Oh my! Emily also heard these words and started, Is something wrong with my baby?? But the nurses replied, Not at all. She is absolutely OK. She is just so big she never would have been able to come out. And they added, If the Carolina Midwives had concluded a caesarean section was necessary, it must have been—and it was!
8 pounds 13 ounces, and positioned so that it was impossible to face the right way. Praise God for people who know, care and have skill.
July 31, about 6:30 in the evening. Full of energy but tired and hungry, Emily, Steve and Colette all doing very well. And they made Nancy and Will grandparents. What a gift from God.