Friday, July 21, 2006

Different color, but same 1973 Dodge van. Emily coming home from the hospital.

Yesterday began trip #2 across the USA. This time I am driving the old 1973 Dodge van loaded with things Nancy and I will need for our time in Albania—and who knows what or where else…I find it incredible to think that I am still driving the same vehicle I used for family moves to Los Angeles, Clarkston and Calvin, and that youth groups sang, slept and sweated in for thousands of miles en route to mission trips in Mexico and elsewhere. There is nostalgia in driving this van, along with some hope in the thought that old things can still work! They need maintenance and care and an occasional tune-up, especially as they get older, but by the grace of God they can still keep going—just like people…

The old van has taught me some lessons about life and utility, and reminded me over and over again about what I believe is one of the greatest dangers (i.e. idols) of our culture— that is believing we always need the newest and the best—and paying the price for it. We don’t! We need to more deeply and regularly scrutinize our choices and priorities in the light of Christ’s command to serve him and further the kingdom with the resources we have been given by God…

A highlight of my two days back in Seattle was seeing people I love. Our family foray into the wilds of Carolina is a trip far away from our roots, and the people of those roots. In one sense being away for only a few weeks was nothing unusual, but there is a finality to it this time, and I feel that finality. It was good to be with men in morning groups and with the Israel 2006 contingent. The memories we shared of that trip and the pictures we saw reminded us all of how wonderful it is to be in fellowship with each other as believers in Christ and pilgrims along the way. On a travel adventures such as ours the dynamic heightens our awareness of this, but it is a common factor in all Christian fellowship and service. We are the body of Christ and if we do not have the opportunity to sail together on the Sea of Galilee (photo) we still serve together, share together, and will spend eternity together…

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