Sunday, February 11, 2007

After a wonderful week visiting friends in N. Ireland, and relaxing on the Antrim Coast, Nancy and I are heading back to London Monday, then to Greensboro NC on Thursday. It was a joy to see the health and life at Elmwood Presbyterian Church, the church we spent two months in three yers ago. Tonight we attended their "Connect" service, a monthly event designed as a safe and comfortable place for non-believers in the community. Leaflets had been taken door to door yesterday, and there were a number of people who responded, setting foot in the church for the first time. The event was low-key, with a bit of singing, chairs set in circles around tables, lots of refreshments, a game of "name that tune" and an interview focusing on love and marriage (the theme was Valentines Day) with a couple in the church. The pastor gave a message on love and the love of God. All in all it was well done and effective. The church is trying new things to reach out, while it is at the same time drawing up a strategy for addressing the opportunity which will be presented by the 5,000 new homes that are being built near the church.
The North Coast of N. Ireland is spectacular. Nancy and I went there to look at birds, but most were away for the season. Nevertheless we enjoyed views of the islands, small towns, bays and beaches--all tempered by gray skies and strong, cold winds. We borrowed the cottage of a friend, and marveled at the opportunities God has given us as we sat cozily under the thatched roof and watched the beauty and power of God at work. I will put some photos up soon, but with my computer dead I can not just now.
Our basic question at this point is where we will be after my time teaching in Mexico. Several options are developing, and we only want to be sensitive to God's leading as we discern the call for the months ahead.

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