Thursday, March 01, 2007

Today is March 1, and looking back I see that the just-ended month of February was one of the more change-filled months for Nancy and Will in a long time. We left Tirana, Albania, on the first day of February, after heartfelt farewells in Albania, including a visit to a place where Paul preached and Nancy’s class goodbyes…From Albania it was on to London,
where we spent two days, including a trip to the

theater, then it was off to Lisburn, N. Ireland arriving in time for my 63rd birthday. After several very delightful days seeing friends and visiting the north coast of Ireland, plus making a contact that has now turned into a decision to serve as Summer Supply in a church in Dublin, we returned to London and were escorted to our hotel by police who had cordoned off our block due to a murder across the street. Next we were on to Greensboro, N. Carolina, for a wonderful time with our granddaughter, daughter and son-in-law—a time which included most importantly time with the granddaughter, but also a quick decision and purchase of a home very near to them. Then I flew off to Merida, Yucatan, where I will be spending the next six weeks teaching two classes, one on the Pauline Epistles and one on Preaching.
Nancy will not be with me as granddaughter, a Shoreline visit, a TESOL convention in Seattle, and a family reunion (sisters only) are scheduled in March. That amount of change will be hard to beat! But let me try to illustrate…
I am living in the new home of Dave and Jean Legters, which is on the seminary campus, so commuting is no problem. The home is a wonderful retreat, and nearly completed—except the floors are mostly rough cement. And the assistance Calvin gave to make it a reality is much appreciated.

Long ago a friend made this observation, Christ gives us cat’s feet, so that wherever we land we are right-side up. In the midst of all our changes, and they are very good changes, that sentiment is true. It is only 8 months since Nancy and I took the very difficult step of leaving Calvin and the wonderful people there, but our prayer that God would use this new phase in our lives seems to be becoming a reality. We are exceedingly grateful for the health and resources God has given us, but we are equally grateful for the places and people among whom those gifts can be used for the building of the kingdom. After all, that is what life is about—at this stage or at any stage.

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