Wednesday, April 25, 2007

Today it is warm in Greensboro. I was greeted by spring-like weather when I returned from my pastors’ conference at Mt. Hermon, but today is more summer-like than spring-like. I suspect there will be some hot days ahead, but that is just fine with me…

Sunday was a special day in the Ackles and Content families. Our granddaughter Colette was baptized. The non-denominational church that Steve and Emily have become a part of both dedicates and baptizes children, doing one at the first service and another at the second. It goes without saying that for all of us it was a meaningful time, with Nancy and I and Steve’s mom there. I was asked to participate by offering a prayer at the end of the baptism, and there were tears of joy as the ceremony went forward and as slides of Colette and the family passed by on the PowerPoint behind us. A party at the Content home afterwards capped off the day with good friends sharing food and laughter.

The understanding of Emily and Steve’s church regarding baptism is not exactly the same as the Presbyterian way, but I know God hears our hearts and that such little differences only make the whole body of Christ richer. After all it is true that together we are one body—not despite but because of our differences… The only problem differences create is when we believe our way is the only true way, and others are on the wrong path. While there certainly are parameters of truth, points of faith and life that define what a Christian is and outside of which the very word Christian does not apply. But too often the arguing between churches takes place in areas of unclarity and uncertainty, areas where more people ought to be heeding Augustine’s maxim, In essentials unity, in non-essentials liberty, in all things love.

Monday was another day of celebration in the Content family, but this time for a very different reason. The house in Miami that Emily and Steve had been trying for nearly a year to sell finally closed on Friday, which meant they had enough cash to buy a second car which with his work and their baby they need. Only the car they bought was not just a car, but was the car Steve had wanted for years, a 1991 BMW M5. Now to me travel and cycling mean a great deal, while I am content with driving my 1973 Dodge Van, but I know that cars mean a great deal to some people, and Steve is one of these people. And they say that the M5 is a safe car, a reliable car, and a good car for a growing family… At least that is how it seems or what they say…

So, now Nancy and I are in Greensboro sharing life with a daughter, son-in-law and granddaughter. At this point I guess it ought to begin to settle into my spirit that life is really changed for us and 37 years of pastoral/parish ministry has come to an end. There is sadness in that for me, and wondering. But at the same time this new place with its tasks: turning a new-to-us house into our home, sharing in raising a child, finding a place in a local church and community, building new relationships, and whatever God has in store for us is an adventure. It is different and it is a challenge and a joy at the same time—and most of all it is God’s call for this season of life… At least until the end of June when Nancy and I head off to Dublin, Ireland, while I serve the Adelaide Street Presbyterian Church as pastoral supply for two months.

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