Wednesday, May 07, 2008

It has been several weeks since I last posted an update on this site. In that time I have changed worlds once again, from a wonderful three months with great friends and challenging ministry in Merida, Mexico to Greensboro, North Carolina. My teaching at El Seminario Presbitariano de San Pablo and in their extension program in the city center came to a conclusion the last week of April and Nancy and my time in Carlow, Ireland, begins June 1. But in between we are in Greensboro—which is a great place to be.

Home in Merida...Home in Greensboro

JJ has left the Pacific Northwest and is with us while she waits for what will come next. Not certain what that will be but certain that God has a plan and it is good. Son-in-law Steve is finishing a very difficult three month firefighters’ school in preparation for his new position with the Greensboro fire department. Emily is doing well, just finished a two night a week job teaching English to people for whom English is not a first language. She also just finished her once a week tutoring time with the church they attend. Meanwhile Colette continues to be a joy to me and to others, growing every day, learning new words, and just fun to be with. A brother is going to join the Content household the end of August, and it will be interesting to see how big sister takes the little intruder…I am confident it will be very good.

Vista in Yucatan...Back Yard in Greensboro

Nancy and I have started to meet people and get involved in Oak Ridge Presbyterian Church. While it is hard to really be involved since we are away from the area so much of the time, it is good to begin finding a new home church. We miss Calvin and the people there (and Clarkston as well), and love to hear from people there, but we have moved and need to find a community to worship and serve in. We attended a Sunday School class last week and I was immediately asked to take the teaching role as long as I am in the area. Felt a little quick and all, but why not! So for the month I am leading the young couple’s class in its study of Luke. We were quite impressed when we learned that the class is spearheading a church-wide thrust to encourage people to consider carefully and prayerfully how they use the money they will be receiving as part of the government’s economic stimulus plan. The thrust is called Stimulus, and one aspect is inviting people to donate all or part of what they receive to a special fund in the church that will be used to help people in need. The dispersal of the funds will be decided upon by the entire church, responding to presentations of needs of any kind from any one. That plus a strong connection with south-east Mexico makes the church feel like a good place for Nancy and me.

Morning greeter Merida...

So, that is my life this month. Merida is a wonderful place and the Legters and others are amazing committed servants of Christ. But for now the heat of Merida has been exchanged for the warmth of Greensboro. The scenery is different and the work is different. Instead of Pauline Epistles, Preaching and Parables days are filled with family, a new church community, projects around our home and Emily and Steve’s as well, and time being a dad and a granddad. Cycling is good here, as it was there, but the terrain has changed. In fact nearly all is different—bit the constant is God’s adventure. That is what life really consists in, and that is the constant for all who trust in him…Where we are is interesting, but whose we are is most important… And if we belong to Christ then wherever we are, as long as we are seeking him and his call, is the right place…

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