Tuesday, July 15, 2008

Just a quick note to let you know that I have changed the format of this blog, and hope you like the new.

Also, I have added a link on this blog to a new blog I am experimenting with called Bible Studies. On that site I plan on posting studies I am preparing in relationship to the messages I am giving while preaching in Carlow. If this seems to be helpful, I am planning on doing the same with lessons on the Parables which I will be giving in Albania, on Pauline Letters and other topics in Mexico, and perhaps material I have previously worked on. To access, just click on the link to the right. To get to this page from that one, there is a similar link on the Bible Studies page. The direct address to the Ephesians study is www.acklesbiblestudies.blogspot.com. Other addresses will be added for other studies.

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