Sunday, August 24, 2008

On Friday we said goodbye to Harry and Ellen Bruce, who had come with us from Ireland and spent just under three weeks here in Greensboro. They were great to have around, and real friends for Colette, as well as great customers for the local Subway sandwich shop and all the malls. What a privilege to be part of the family of God and share experiences and opportunities with each other and their children.

Then tonight, Sunday night, there was a gathering of the Ackles-Content clan. JJ couldn't be there because she is in New York, but Steve, Emily, Colette, Steve’s mother and I were all together at our house. The Olympics were just finishing and the closing ceremonies were in the background, but they were not the reason for the gathering. The reason was we were making final preparations for tomorrow's early morning run to the hospital and the birth of our second grandchild, a boy this time. We did last minute things, made exact plans for the morning, talked nervously, and prayed.

The birth of our first grandchild, Colette, was different. We did not know when she would come—it was up to her! This time, because of complications last time, Emily and Steve made the decision to have a c-section. So it is not up to the new one—he is entering the world on someone else’s time table, not his own. He is full term and comfortable, but little does he know what awaits him in the next few hours. Change is hardly a sufficient word to describe what he is about to face—but it is hardly a sufficient word to describe what Emily, Steve and Colette are about to face as well. And probably grandma and grandpa too. There will certainly be more soon on this event in this blog, but for tonight I am reminded of the words of Psalm 139:14 and 15, For you created my inmost being; you knit me together in my mother's womb. I praise you because I am fearfully and wonderfully made; your works are wonderful, I know that full well.

And just a short p.s.—for some reason I have been thinking recently about an ad I saw in a paper in Ireland. No connection with the upcoming birth, I am sure, but it struck me as strange and I have not mentioned it before. We may have the same in the US, and I could just be out of step with the way things are done now. In any case I have not noticed it before. The ad was for pre-wedding cosmetic/surgical procedures… The ad did not specify which parts of the body could be treated, I assume that would be optional, but whatever was chosen the claim was that that part would be better looking, at least for a time. The procedures noted were guaranteed to last for at least three months—then there was no guarantee that reality would not strike. Seems a bit bizarre and possible could give new spin to a popular saying, first better then worse

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